Copyright Claim

Who are you? *
Relation ship with copyright owner
Proof of relationship – contract / letter of authorisation / power of attorney etc
What is your claim? *
Activation Key that contains Infringing content
Specify the content in question? *
Proof of the content
Link to the orginal content *
Who is affected? *
How does it affect? *

It’s an unauthorised use of:
It hampers the right holder’s ability to: *
How else does this amount to infringement ?
Personal Name
Land Mark
Pin Code

By submitting this complaint I hereby certify that:-
  • I have a good faith belief that this complaint is true and correct and that I have taken all reasonable measures to verify my claim.
  • The complaint is valid in law and does not meet any of the exceptions set out under Indian law.
  • My statements are correct.
  • The claims made under this complaint are not frivolous in nature and do not cause harassment to any individual/organisation.
Signed on this date of:

Please note: By typing your full name above, you are providing us with your digital signature, which is as legally binding as your physical signature.